Wash your hands before donning.
1. Hold the Ka-Chu out in front of you by the wingtips - with the flap pointing down.
2. Fold the top edge inward to align with the size mark (small-medium-large) which best describes your face size. Then fold twice more.
3. Tie the Ka-Chu snug, centered on your nose bridge, and across your ears - tug it down so it doesn't obscure your vision. ( Avoid touching your eyes )
4. Give the headband an outward roll over the bridge of your nose.
5. Pull the bottom flap snug under your chin - then with a half twist cross it over your jaw and fasten it to a lower snap on either side. (make sure the flap crosses and presses down on the hemmed edge)
Conform the Ka-Chu to your nose, not your nose to the Ka-Chu.
If the Ka-Chu fits, wear it!