(disclaimer) The "Ka-Chu" facecover is not certified for medical use by NIOSH, the responsible U.S. federal agency. Neither is it a substitute for social distancing recommended by the U. S. Center for Disease Control (CDC).


Ka-Chu Facecover

Tightening the Seal

How tight you wear the Ka-Chu will depend on the risks posed by the environment.


If your glasses fog; if your breathing becomes more difficult when you press in on any portion of the seal; if you feel hot air escaping under the seal; or if the Ka-Chu does not seem to gently resist your breathing - you can tighten the seal.

Make adjustments to any of the steps taken to fit the Ka-Chu.

Fasten snaps as needed along the sides.

Give the Ka-Chu a downward tug below any point where it seems to be leaking air.

To temporarily tighten the bottom seal, press the flap up under your chin.

-------- - NOTE

The Ka-chu may stretch slightly at first as you wear it and need to be adjusted.

ka-chu diagram